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Ever been away from home and realized you had to get to a bathroom immediately?  What if no bathrooms had been available—no running water or a public restroom for miles around—but no ability to wait?  Not a situation you want to think much about, right? 


You may already have the greatest food and water storage plan ever created, but what happens to the food and water after your body finishes extracting the benefits from your feast?  If the waste isn't contained and disposed of properly it can become a serious health hazard. 


All fecal matter contains bacteria, some of which is beneficial to humans. But other bacteria (Escherichia coli aka E coli) can make a person quite sick.


Germs can live in human and animal waste and grow very quickly in warm, moist conditions. Human waste may also contain parasitic worms and their eggs.   Many diseases and parasites are spread by human waste. They are very common in areas of the world where sanitation is poor. Severe diarrhea is often a sign of disease-ridden human waste.






RoundwormTyphoid FeverPolio

Trichina Worm


You must have a sanitary way to dispose of human waste at your home. There is a simple solution that many have available in their homes right now. Find out what it is and how to safely use this method.

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